Saturday, March 8, 2008

You can lose 5 pounds in 30 minutes!!

I got a haircut! For those who haven't seen me for a while, that's quite a feat(refer to pictures below). The thought to get the haircut did not come without inspiration. I've had many people assume that I don't own a mirror or have no feeling on the top of my head due to their constant reminders that I, in fact, have long hair by stating:
"Your hair's getting long!"
Well, I immediately retort with a quick hand-check to the top of my head and, in a state of surprise and shock, reply with:
"Whoa, you're right! You know, I've noticed my head was getting warmer and heavier with the occasional tuft of hair getting in my eyes, but I just assumed it was some big furry organism deciding to create it's own little ecosystem on the top of my dome. But, thanks to you, I can dismiss that notion."
Then, there is the old ladies at church:
"You know David, I'm sure you'd be able to get married a lot easier if girls could, in fact, see your eyes!"
I can't ever be smart or sarcastic with them just because they're so cute and old. So I respond with:
"Thank you Sister Smith. I'll keep that in mind!" while my eyes fixate on a huge mole on their face with it's own hairy growth that could rival all the hair on my body.
Needless to say, however, these examples don't portray the inspiration that delivered me over the edge of deciding to get it cut. The decision happened two weeks ago when I realized
that I could toss my hair around without using my hands!!!! Now, I try not to be a typical guy, with the whole macho anti-affeminate stereotype that some men have. But, being efficient at tossing my hair, well, that forces me to draw the line. Also, it causes physical strain on my neck since I have to use quick motions of my head to get that hair out of my eyes, and (I guess all my elementary and junior high school colleagues were correct) I have a big noggin to throw around.
So, Voila! Here are the pics:



So there you have it! We'll see how long I'll last before I get another haircut. Maybe when I notice my neck is sore, I'll go buy a mirror!

PS. I'm carrying the stick in the second picture to ward off all the ladies that are gonna attack me due to my irresistible fantastical sexiness! Oh baby!!


Melissa and Allen said...

excellent post! I like the hair cut:)

Marci & Matt said...

Awesome hair! Thanks for the link, here's our blog if you wanna check it out:

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Welcome to Blogging.

And p.s. yes, love the hair.

Abby said...

You know, there ARE other weight loss amputation. J/k. I think you pulled off EMO just fine, but it is thrilling to get a new do now and then. Now all the old ladies in your ward are going to set you up with their grand daughters. You know the ones that haven't had a date since the Iron curtain fell. Hope you have caller ID! :)