Ok, so this is a picture of the 2 fantasy football leagues (my brother-in-law calls it "Fairy Tale Football") in which I'm currently participating. As you can see, both of those teams are polar opposites. Of course, my point would be much more potent if I was in 12th place on the top, but the principal still remains. What principal you may ask? The principal that DRAFTING IS FOR LOSERS!!
For the past 3 years, I've conducted an experiment. My hypothesis is that if you do research and work to build your perfect team, you will fail.
Subject 1) Team name "Autopick Next Season":
This team is the team I actively drafting, picking players based on stats and potential points. I consulted ESPN, Yahoo! sports, and CBSSports to determine who the best players would be for my team would be.
Subject 2) Team name "Great Balls of Fire":
This team is the team I let the computer "Autopick" for me.
As you can see, the autopicked team is in first place and the drafted team might as well be in last place. You may ask "But Murph, it's only 4 weeks in the season. Anything could happen." For that, I show you subject 3)
Notice the football leagues (don't even get me started on my basketball skills, both on the computer and on the court. That's another blog.). I had 2 in 2010, 1 in 2009 and 1 in 2008. Notice their ranks. The Moody Reds finished in 3rd and I Shouldn't Draft finished DEAD FREAKING LAST!! In 2009, The Skidmarks, I finished 6th. 6 out of 10 is 50%. 50% on a test means FAIL! Last, but definitely not least, my 2008 team: Smurph Turds (*cue angelic voices). My very first league I've ever done, and I took home the glory. I'm sure I don't have to say...but I will anyway.
Drafted Teams:
I Shouldn't Draft 2010 [12 of 12]
The Skidmarks 2009 [6 of 12]
Autopicked Teams:
The Moody Reds 2010 [3 of 10]
Smurph Turds 2008 (*Aaaah) [1 of 10]
This 3 year experiment has told me that, I will finish in the final 3 if I autopick and I will epically fail if I try and work and research and draft myself.
Take home message: It's a good thing I don't pay for this!
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