Saturday, August 2, 2008

MCAT=Malignant Cancer Adhesion of my Testes

I'm taking the MCAT on Tuesday and I've taken this entire week off of work so I can throw it all away to learn how to jump through the manipulative hoops of the AAMC and the system they have established to "weed out" the idiots from the future doctors. One thing I have learned is the MCAT isn't about what you know, it's about how dumb you are in falling for the tricks posed by the writers of this test. Also, this test is another one of the many excuses for these already-established doctors to make more money. I had to pay more than 200 dollars to just sign up for this test. Then, once I take it and finish my application, I have to pay for every school I apply to. THEN, most of these schools will ask for a secondary application. But, don't worry, I'll have to pay for those as well. Then, let's say a school is actually crazy enough to like me on paper and they actually wanna meet me. Well, since I'm not important and only a name on a piece of paper, they don't spend .001% of their net worth to visit me. Oh no! I have to spend 90% of my net worth to take Southwest out there in my suit, hope that the school is close enough to walk to, pretend that I didn't just get off a plane and walk for 3 miles, then pray that I can walk back to the airport in time to leave so I don't have to sleep in the airport. And even after all that, I'm still not guaranteed a spot in that class. As far as "weeding out", I think anyone who chooses to go through this entire process is an idiot, no matter what. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, our future in Medicine:
But, you know what? It's all a means to a sweet sweet end. No matter what happens, I know that I will be successful, and that is what keeps me going every day!!


Nikki said...

Good luck, Britney! Just don't wear that outfit to any of the interviews!!!

Abby said...

I'm seeing an alternative career for you in the show dancing scene.(Just in case you wanna jump into the REAL money making.) Damn, you look hot in those fishnets!

Melissa and Allen said...

Sexy Balla....

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

WOW. Haven't seen yer blog for awhile. What fun friendly welcome back! :) I especially loved the title's post; quit appropriate, i'm sure. And that pic. I'm speechless. I hope you're headed to Vegas with that. Lastly, you need to call me again, because last phone went kerplunk and I didn't have your number to call you Friday when I was at the Greek Festival - wishing you were with me!