Friday, July 11, 2008


This is me riding my brand new Vespa LX150. Oh baby!! So, finally, after much turmoil and lost sleep, the vespa is mine. I will not bore you with the details on why it sucked, just know that it all worked out and I'm a vespa owner. If there are any suggestions on what I should name her, please feel free to let me know. I'm going to create an event on Facebook called "Name Murph's Vespa". I hope people will participate, because the best name will be the name of my new addition. I'm gonna go cruise now!!


Melissa and Allen said...

I think you name her "Balla"

or the Red Rocket

or the Red Eye

or Bloody Mary


p.s. I'm jealous...I miss Ruby....

Hazel said...

it actually sparkles in the sun. did you photoshop in those sparkles? because it looks really shiny.